Bahamas Cruise 2023

Bahamas cruise, 3/21/23 to 5/18/23

Our first cruise to the Bahamas.  We have worked hard to make Terrapin self sufficient living “off the grid” with watermaker, lithium batteries, more solar, and B&G electronics.  We traveled about 1200 miles over this time and I’m happy to say that all our hard work paid off.  The trip was fantastic and Terrapin and crew performed very well.  We posted a lot to our Facebook page during the trip, but I failed to keep up the posting on this site.  I will try to rectify that by posting some of our highlights here.

This is our actual Garmin In-Reach track

Crossing the Gulf Stream

Traversing the Gulf Stream. Notice the S-shaped track. This is due to the 2-3 knot Gulf Stream carrying the boat North as we kept a due East or West heading. Leaving from North Key Largo at sunrise, we arrived in Bimini late afternoon.

Crossing the Gulf Stream

Crossing the Gulf Stream at sunrise, this cruise ship was in our way!

The Dolphin House

The absolute HIGHLIGHT of our visit in Bimini was the Dolphin House. It is a three story concrete building built by hand by Ashley Saunders. It is an absolute work of art.

Lighthouse at the top of the Dolphin House

Ashley Saunders gave us a personal tour of his Dolphin House, complete with a lighthouse on the roof!

We be good, mon!
The Queen’s Bath, Eleuthera
Governor’s Harbor, Eleuthera
Tippy's Restaurant
Tippy’s, on the Atlantic side of Governor’s Harbor
Bells Cay, Exumas

Bells Cay is a private island in the Exuma Land and Sea Park. It is owned by Aga Khan, the Muslim Spiritual Leader and philanthropist. While we couldn’t go ashore, it provides one of the best sheltered anchorages from a strong West wind which blew for 3 days.

Water Spout, Exumas

Woke up to this water spout on my birthday. Luckily, the weather improved and we cruised into Staniel Cay to celebrate my birthday.

Back in the USA

Our favorite bar in Key Largo where Bogart and Bacall stared in the movie Key Largo.

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